Custom Ceramic Capacitor Designs & Configurations
Custom 500Vdc to 20KVdc Capacitor Solutions for a Variety of Applications from Downhole to Deep Space

CalRamic Technologies offers 500Vdc to 20KVdc solutions for a variety of applications from Downhole to Deep Space. A few examples are:
Deep Space Probes – Planet Exploration, rovers and beyond.
Low Earth Orbit (LEO) – Communication / Spectrometry Satellites.
Mass Spectroscopy Power Supplies - Typical capacitors for tuning and filtering applications.
Military - Aerospace and Defense (Land, Sea, and Air)
Commercial – Aerospace, Communications, and Power Supplies.
X-ray Systems - Veterinary Medicine, Handheld Dental X-ray, Real Time X-ray for Materials Science and Technology, Real Time X-ray for Medical Hospital Services.
Down hole instrumentation for Geothermal & Geophysical Wells – For field development and underground variables, 250°C- 300°C
Contact our team with your application's specifications.